From the original article on January 13, 2009. Author: Chateau Heartiste.
Asshole game with 25 year old foreign girlfriend
Her: I love Indian culture. The dancing, the colorful dresses, the religion...
Me: You love Bollywood? There’s no accounting for taste.
Her: [getting seriously agitated] Shut up! The Indian culture is beautiful.
Me: Hey, there’s an Indian guy who lives down the street. Go knock yourself out. You can get some of his culture long and hard.
Her: You’re an ignorant American. A child. What do you know.
Me: I know you’re being annoying.
Later — pussy dripping sex.
Asshole game with bartender chick
Me: [looking at her new hairstyle with a grimace] What did you do to your hair!?
Her: I got bangs! Jesus, fuck you.
Me: It doesn’t work for me.
Three months later — pussy dripping sex. And free drinks.
Asshole game with heavily tattooed chick in indie club
Me: Hi.
Her: [sighing] Just to let you know up front, I’m not interested.
Me: So you’re not going to introduce me to your cute friend?
Later — no sex, but pride as a man.
Asshole game with girl trying to break up with me in Starbucks
Her: I really think this isn’t going to work. I don’t want to do this anymore. Look at us.
Me: [slouching for maximum aloofness effect] I can read your face. You’re a bad liar. But if this is what you want then go ahead. I gotta admit you’re not easy to be in a relationship with. You’re a fucking pain in the ass.
Her: What’s that supposed to mean?!?
Later — six more months of pussy dripping sex.
Note: Never smile when running asshole game. It’ll look like you’re backpedaling.
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