
From the original article on October 14, 2013. Author: Chateau Heartiste.

I was initially confused about the purpose of this short video Mystery put up for public consumption, until a reader explained that it was about anchoring.

Link: video

Lawdy I was blind and now can see! But really I’m kind of ashamed I missed the thematic elements, knowing as how I’ve anchored a few beautiful babies in my life.

Anchoring is a game technique that has its foundation in the school of persuasion known as neuro-linguistic programming. It is exactly what the word evokes: a psychological technique that “anchors” an emotion or feeling to a physical, auditory or verbal stimulus. Most people are familiar with Pavlov’s Dog, the experiment which showed that a dog can be conditioned by a ringing bell to salivate in the expectation that food is coming. That is probably the most well-known example of anchoring.

Applied to the science and art of modern seduction, anchoring is a powerful tool that operates mostly on a woman’s subconscious. The intention is to first create a positive feeling in the girl, then anchor that feeling to an object, body motion or turn of phrase, and then elicit the feeling later through the use of the anchored stimulus. The womanizer doesn’t even have to be in the company of the girl for anchoring to work its magic. She could stumble upon the stimulus on her own, and the good feelings she had with him will be evoked in the silence of her own company.

For instance, in Mystery’s video, he’s framed a discussion about how life is short — “pick up the broken glass yourself, because you never know how life unfolds” — and anchored that feeling of fleeting time (and consequently the urgency to live life to the fullest with sexy cads) to a piece of glass — “keep that as a souvenir, it is no longer broken glass, it is now fairy dust to remember this moment” — which, if the conditioning is successful, will cause those feelings associated with him to flood back every time she fondles the glass in her pocket.

Anchoring, then, serves the womanizer in multiple ways: it associates good feelings with himself which can be recalled by the woman any time the anchor is stimulated, it pushes out the influence of competing alpha males (a fondly recalled moment in time will thwart the intrusions of other men, almost like a shadow AMOG), and it fortifies the womanizer’s inner state control.

On that latter point, a self-stimulus that anchors a positive memory to an object or motion can be used by men to summon confidence before doing cold approaches. To set it and later activate it, think of a time you masterfully bedded a high quality woman, and then perform some small hand motion, like a wave or a fist clench. Do this enough times and, so the theory goes, the hand motion alone will induce those same good feelings you felt when you earned that expert level bang.

Effective anchoring uses linguistic tricks like tonality, compliance hoops and future pacing — note how Mystery lingers on the phrase “you never know” and repeats it a few times, and how he gets her to do something for him, which increases the amount of investment she perceives she has put into the interaction and, thus, the “connection” she feels with him. To the male ear, Mystery’s schtick sounds like gibberish; but women have finely tuned antennae that pick up these subtle signals of mate compatibility. The science of seduction is, paradoxically, a blueprint that abandons linear male logic for a journey into female mental landscapes shrouded in mists of vaporous emotion.

By the way, Mystery is now in his forties, still shooting tingles through pink-haired vixen vajflesh.

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