Be Prepared For A Shitlib Push To End The Electoral College System

From the original article on November 22, 2016. Author: Chateau Heartiste.

Trump won’t formally be declared winner of the Presidential election until December 19th, when the electors cast their votes. Shitlibs are hoping against hope that a sufficient number of faithless electors will throw the Presidency to thecunt. They’d better be careful what they wish for; that outcome would guarantee a hot civil war. And their side will lose this time.

Lately, don’t be surprised to hear butt-chafed quimlibs mewl about ending the electoral college system (which, btw, would be a great time to remind them that Alexander Hamilton created the electoral college and was an ardent immigration restrictionist). The lib line of reasoning goes like this: “The electoral college was invented to stop demagogues from taking power, but now it’s moot because a demagogue just won the electoral college, so let’s go back to a popular vote for President that would ensure we win every election going forward with the help of our twenty million noncitizen voters (all inconveniently located in CA, so we need more Section 8 to disperse them across the heartland).”

When reading lib reasoning, it helps to run their scuzzwords through a leftoid-to-human translator.

“demagogue” = “an insufficiently anti-White public speaker”

“moot” = “no longer serves the interests of shitliberalism”

“voice of the people” = “a full-throated advocate for nonWhites”

“popular vote” = Is the margin of victory delivered by Whites? “dangerous nativism” Is the margin of victory delivered by nonWhites? “democracy in action!”

Leftoids love their buzzwords because they serve as vapid, arty veneers concealing an intellectual bankruptcy. And wow just wow is the Left intellectually bankrupt today. They survive on the fumes of a civil rights era kumbaya feelz-amplification cognitive-suppression protocol of studiously ignoring race and sex difference realities and viciously slandering nonconformists who stray from the equalist reservation.

Their recent demands for ending the electoral college are of a piece. The real reason they crave an anti-republican (in the generic sense) nationwide popular vote to decide the Presidency is that the election of a nonWhite demagogue (or White demagogue lackey for the nonWhites) is perfectly fine with them. A popular vote gives them the edge in a nation getting less White by the year, given they can exploit the huge lump of illegal alien voters squatting in CA and the southwest, and soon to overrun Texas. Once Texas falls to the migrant colonization, a Republican who isn’t a complete cuck for the “acts of love” streaming across the border will never again win the Presidency (assuming the electoral college is still operative).

It always comes back to this essential formulation: Leftoids hate BadWhites and will gladly virtue signal their country into oblivion to give meaning to their hatred. Any rationalization, hypocrisy, cognitive dissonance, inconsistency, or slander is acceptable if it furthers their goal of pulverising heritage America into dust.

As for the popular vote notion, it’s a non-starter as long as there is one state — CA — which would be able to impose its will, its values, and its policies on the rest of America. At the point in a nation’s history when one state can eternally dictate the terms of government for people living in a state 2,500 miles away, a serious consideration must be given to allowing that state to secede into a more morally cohesive entity.

The alternative that keeps CA within the union is to make a deal with shitlibs. Tell them they can have their popular vote, but only if they agree to a strict national voter ID law, paper ballots, and mass deportations of illegals that effectively removes a reliable source of Democreep votes from the rolls. This will ensure the added benefit of inching the White percentage of the total population higher, which would help reduce the cultural and political chasm between the deep blue states and the deep red states.

Shitlibs will never agree to this sensible deal, though, so I’m not hopeful about the future prospects of a whole America. I foresee a crack-up of the US within our lifetimes.

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