From the original article on October 18, 2016. Author: Chateau Heartiste.
“Silicon Valley Stalker” has a nice ring. It would make a fine name for a movie about an unaccountable tech oligarch trying to find and take out a dissident freethinker who is planting the seeds of revolution against the old order that has been so good to the oligarchy.
It appears yer ‘umble Chateau retreat from clown world has a stalker residing in Silicon Valley. A steady trickle of emails from helpfully warn:
Someone from Mountain View, CA, United States searched your email and found your social media profile(s).
Editor’s note: CH has no social media profiles other than this blog and the now-silenced “shitposter formerly known as Chateau Emissary” Twatter account. As you can see, for good reason.
Readers are welcome to guess who is the Chateau stalker behind the shitlib curtain. SerGAY Brin? Tim Cook? Bachmanity?
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