Don't be that girl

From the original article on April 25, 2007. Author: Chateau Heartiste.

Women have a mental laundry list of traits they want in a man. Unlike men, it is not so simple for them to see an attractive guy from across the room for a sum total of 1.5 seconds and immediately want to have sex with him, no questions asked. They throw out hoops to jump through and head games to separate the worthy from the pretenders. As sexual gatekeepers, women rely on this complex social interplay to assess a man’s rank and deny or grant him admission to her body.

A crucial part of seduction is role reversal. You want to turn the tables on women and use their psyops against them. A man can magnify his desirability simply by having standards beyond face, boobs, and bum. It is intoxicating to a woman to be pursued by a man who will judge her for more than her looks. That means sticking to a mental list of qualifications women must meet if they want to enjoy the pleasure of your company. The trick is to pay it more than lip service; having standards means nothing if you don’t actually believe in them.

I know from experience and scientifically-valid astrological textbooks that certain character traits and behaviors are like signal flares of a drama-prone incompatible relationship. If a girl jumps on top of a bar to dance for an appreciative audience on our first date I know she will be a poor choice for a girlfriend but a great ride for a torrid fling.

To any girl I meet: when I strike up a conversation with you this is what is going through the back of my head:

Don’t be that girl...

... who thinks diamonds are a better best friend than a dog

... who lost touch with her femininity

... who has given up on love

... who pretends she can play like a boy

... who flakes

... who knows what she wants a little too surely

... who is an attention whore

... who is practiced in the art of aloofness and indifference (that’s my job)

... who cannot handle teasing

... who has sexual hangups

... who cannot take a sincere compliment

... who has lost her joie de vivre

... who doesn’t understand that men and women complement, not compete with, each other

... who re-applies her make-up every 10 minutes

... with daddy issues

... who doesn’t at least reach for the check

... who likes being a trophy a little too much

... who reads between every line

... who curses and flips the bird a lot

... who uses too much trendy slang

... who will accept flirting from other men while we are out on a date

... who mugs for invisible cameras

... who is externally validated

This may seem like an exhaustive, impossibly unrealistic list, and for DC girls maybe it is, but compared to the list of demands I occasionally read on craigslist from the sorts of women who’d be happier in love if they paid for it, I don’t think I’m asking for much.

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