From the original article on September 25, 2014. Author: Chateau Heartiste.
Feminists... they just can’t keep their stories straight. Here’s Emma Watson, quoted at two different times, contradicting herself with an assurance that makes one wonder if she has an evil twin.
The first quote, from this past Tuesday’s gender equality speech (guffaw), reads “If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won’t feel compelled to be submissive.”
(Never mind that this assertion makes absolutely no sense if you think about it for longer than a second.)
The second attribution, from two years ago, reads “But now Emma Watson has said she doubts she will date a British man ever again – because they are too shy. [...] Instead an American will come up to her straight away and suggest a date – a boldness she finds attractive.”
#HeForShe? More like #HeForHeadCases.
Feminism long ago abandoned any pretense to logic or internal consistency. It’s nothing but feels all day, every day, with an extra helping of feels. Watson’s rationalization hamster, like most rodents residing in the brains of her callow ilk, is 700% thigh and 800% glutes. A swole spinner on the wheel of ego-masturbation.
Not that more evidence was needed, but once more, from the top and with throat cleared:
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