From the original article on November 1, 2010. Author: Chateau Heartiste.
Back in October 2008, I predicted feminists would demand the following:
This is as good as done if countermeasures aren’t taken. There’s a reason feminists are beginning to advocate against paternity testing — the smarter ones among their ranks understand that it shifts the balance of power decidedly in favor of beta males. Feminists want to retain the privilege of cuckolding. It is a power too good to abdicate, because it offers complete freedom from compromise with men to pursue sex and resources in the way they want. Paternity testing will mean an end to fucking alphas on the side and tricking betas into footing the bill. It will mean women will have to be more responsible and forward-thinking, instead of blindly following their vaginas.
Via Andrew Stuttaford, this week comes an article from a foul feminist cunt named Melanie McDonagh who advocates the banning of paternity testing.
DNA tests are an anti-feminist appliance of science, a change in the balance of power between the sexes that we’ve hardly come to terms with. And that holds true even though many women have the economic potential to provide for their children themselves...Uncertainty allows mothers to select for their children the father who would be best for them. The point is that paternity was ambiguous and it was effectively up to the mother to name her child’s father, or not... Many men have, of course, ended up raising children who were not genetically their own, but really, does it making paternity conditional on a test rather than the say-so of the mother, it has removed from women a powerful instrument of choice.
My prediction has been proven accurate. Look at the last line: “[paternity testing] has removed from women a powerful instrument of choice.” Interesting logic, there. Faced with an issue of incontrovertible fairness and individual rights, the female rationalization hamster had to put in overtime. There is smoke billowing from the gears of her head wheel. Let’s see if we can apply Mz McDonagh’s logic to other vexing issues of sexual opportunism:
“Rape kits are an anti-male appliance of science, a change in the balance of power between the sexes that we’ve hardly come to terms with. And that holds true even though many men have the economic potential to provide for rape-conceived children themselves... Rape uncertainty allows fathers the freedom to select for their children the mothers who would be best for them. The point is that rape was ambiguous and it was effectively up to the father to admit to impregnating the mother, or not... Many women have, of course, ended up raising children who were conceived via rape, but really, does it matter... in making rape indictments conditional on a test rather than the say-so of the father, it has removed from men a powerful instrument of choice.”
“Abortion is an anti-male appliance of science, a change in the balance of power between the sexes that we’ve hardly come to terms with. And that holds true even though many men have the economic potential to provide for their children themselves... Abortion prohibition allows fathers to select for their children the mothers who would be best for them. The point is that conception was ambiguous and it was effectively up to the father to support the mother and child, or not... Many women have, of course, ended up raising children who were not planned, but really, does it matter... in making birth conditional on abortion rather than the wishes of the father, it has removed from men a powerful instrument of choice.”
“DNA tests to determine child support duties are an anti-male appliance of science, a change in the balance of power between the sexes that we’ve hardly come to terms with. And that holds true even though many men have the economic potential to provide for their children themselves... Uncertainty allows fathers to select for their children the level of support that would be best for them. The point is that paternity was ambiguous and it was effectively up to the father to deny involvement, or not... Many women have, of course, ended up raising children as discarded single moms, but really, does it matter... in making child support conditional on a test rather than the say-so of the father, it has removed from men a powerful instrument of choice.”
If the clitorally-enlarged fembot hyenas have their way, would there be any reason left at all for any man to remotely consider marriage as an acceptable option? A man who walks into the marriage trap now is playing Russian roulette with three full barrels. Each feminist legal victory fills one more barrel with lead death.
Andrew Stuttaford says words fail him. Well, they don’t fail me. Please, Mz McDonagh, as I’ve implored other ghastly souls who’ve wandered into this happy hunting ground... do the world a favor and lay your head down in front of the wheels of a moving bus. There’s a dear.
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