From the original article on August 18, 2014. Author: Chateau Heartiste.
Anyone who’s lived a day in his life (or played summer football in a city park or worked out at a vibrant gym) has noticed that different races have different musculature and athletic talent. Blacks are the most ripped, and often the biggest, particularly in the deltoids and lats. They respond the fastest to resistance training and are amazingly agile on their feet, (something you have to marvel at the first time a black guy with the ball makes a cut around you).
Whites are the most varied, ranging from nerd skinny to hulking well-marbled powerlifter. Few whites can get as defined as blacks, so you really become aware of those white guys who do manage to carve their abs and delts well past the norm for their race. Whites also have wider waists than blacks, and tend to stockiness, although this is far from a universal white trait.
Asians are the slightest and the least toned, and are less varied in appearance than either blacks or whites, (although asian sub-groups, like Koreans, who hit the gym hard can become quite strong in compound movements like the squat that leverage their naturally lower center of gravity and shorter limbs).
Hispanics (or amerindians, if you prefer) resemble their asian progenitors in muscle tone, but not in gracility. And depending on how you define “hispanic”, their physical variance is either very large (think Spanish-Cuban vs Mestizo) or very small (the round mamacita millions).
All these racial differences in physique are far more noticeable in younger men (and women) than in older representatives, owing primarily to the fact that most people of any race get fatter and looser with age, the biological upkeep of their sexual dimorphism becoming less relevant beyond reproductive age, and this symptom of aging is greatly exacerbated by the Western obesity plague, especially in black women who get so enormously fat soon after leaving high school that you’d need a team of archaeologists to excavate evidence of their buried female form.
So, you’d have to be blind or a self-deluding status whoring SWPL leftoid to not notice these differences.
For a while, curious noticers wondering what accounted for their observations would assume that testosterone had something to do with it. After all, T and T mimics are injected by bodybuilders to build huge blocks of muscle. Naturally, one infers that the less muscular-looking races (if not necessarily the less strong) have lower levels of testosterone in their blood.
Finding data on racial differences in testosterone hasn’t been easy, but here’s a website (can’t vouch for impartiality of author) which aggregated study results and compiled the available evidence. What was found was the following:
Average total plasma testosterone in the “Big Three” races, in descending order
East Asians
White Europeans
The slightest and least muscular race has the highest average T levels!
The complete T level ranking looked like this:
Indo-Aryan (i.e. Iranians and Indians!)
East Asian
Middle Eastern
Latin American
If this meta-analysis is accurate, then clearly average racial serum testosterone levels have little, if any at all, effect on average racial physiques and athleticism. Something else must be contributing to the obvious real world differences in racial musculature and athletic potential. It could be androgen receptor sensitivity. It could be non-free form T levels. It could be serum estrogen levels! It could be an environmental or dietary influence. It could be a suite of genes whose properties we have yet to discover.
The point of all this is that knowledge is inherently good, and lying liars who wish to bury this knowledge under layers of sophistic equalist fat are enemies of the good.
Commenter jeff writes,
The website referenced in the post is bogus. Any desire to frame the material on the referenced website is just an exercise in establishing closure.
The world is as you see it. White people are almost always in the middle of some human measurement; when that falls out of whack you know the data is probably, but not necessarily, incorrect.
Check here: (Swede/Korean study) (South Asian vs Caucasian) (Pakistani v. White v. African) (penis size & anogenital distance, correlation to higher testosterone) docs/Eisenberg_2012_The_Relationship_Between _Anogenital_Distance_ and_Reproductive_Hormone_Levels_in_Adult_Men.pdf (same study from above in depth)
Read the linked individual studies. They’re very interesting, (especially the anogenital one... that’s out of left field), and some do support a Rushtonian B>W>A gradient in testosterone levels. The debate continues.
Commenter splooge adds that black men are beginning to dominate the “sport” of bodybuilding. In the article, eight-time Mr. Olympia winner Lee Haney admits that the reason blacks do so well in sports and bodybuilding is “our genetics”. Jimmy the Greek wept.
Another great comment, this time from roccopilsner.
You have Looks vs. Performance. Looks are for fags and narcissists (when talking about body building), and even women don’t get soaked over a veiny , high blood pressure having Body Builder...sorry they just don’t.
I have been involved in the sports world (boxing and later MMA) competitor , later as a trainer and later as a trainer/cut man for years. I have also been in and around a fairly high level of training of wrestling and powerlifting athletes for many years as well. It’s a simple break down that holds pretty true in my experiences:
– Blacks are quick. They have longer legs than other races on avg, they have greater stride and lots of fast twitch muscle fibers. They excel at jumping and sprinting activities. Speed positions in the NFL, NBA, Olypmpic sprinting (think the tiny Island of Jamaica for instance) The Yang to this Yin, and that the more speedy and explosive the man, the shorter his stamina. Kenyan Africans are thin and not very strong, they run for ever and a day...Jamaicans sprint , yet you will rarely see one go more than a few hundred yards. Blacks tend to be speedy with stamina problems while Asians are built for the long haul but get there very slowly. Whites span the middle ground...
– Whites are by far the largest and strongest (different from powerful and explosive) The largest and most powerful are usually Northern European. Think Strong man champions tend to be either directly from Northern Europe, or descendants of. Think some of the best NFL Lineman are usually white, 330lbs plus with agility and strength , but not much on the verticle. This is also where the genetics come in. You see an NFL lineman or a powerlifter and they might have some extra pounds around the waist line but it does not affect athleticism or power. (Check out ex Collegiate Wrestler and Offensive line pro-bowler for the Patriots Steven Neil and how he can do a back flip at 330lbs...also his 40 is insane)
This is another reason why MMA has more successful white, Hispanic and Asian competitors than pure boxing, because you are allowed to hold and clamp down on your opponent instead of focusing on fleet footedness + evasion + reach + Rhythm that you have in boxing which is tailor made for Blacks.
Asians – Philipinos , Laotians, Thai and Tongan peoples (Far South East Asia) have rhythm, tend to be very athletic and their behavior lends itself to higher T anyways,...Far more sexual ,more violent (boxing and kick boxing are very popular) etc etc
I would say Hispanic males (mestizo not mulato) have a fairly high testosterone level, as shown by their macho culture, success in boxing, aggression towards women etc etc...most latinos I competed against were strong for their size, had natural stamina (Hwt Champion of the UFC is a Mexican and has the gas tank of a 120 fighter) though they are not naturally muscular or cut.
Realtalk may be dying in the prestige press, but it is alive and well at the Chateau.
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