From the original article on June 22, 2016. Author: Chateau Heartiste.
This jacked White man with the neck thicker than your typical shitlib’s thigh:
Link: video
0:33 – “Go fucking cook my burrito, bitch!”
Let me tell you something real and true about the Shitlord Rising: If America is to be great/White again, she’ll need the help of ALL her shitlords, from the meme-making pranksters to the theme-cranking intellectuals to the shitlib-shaming musclebros. Higbrow, lowbrow, shivbrow... it’s all to the Good in the Time of the Trumpening.
So after you’re finished soaking up the latest shiv-right treatise on diversity and social atomization, let loose with a satisfying GO FUCKING COOK MY BURRITO BITCH. And don’t be bashful or feel like you have to soften the exclamation in a gauze of irony. Our smartie shitlords will strike fear in shitlib egos, while our shirtless shitlords will strike fear in shitlib hearts. Victory is assured by cutting a devastating swath through both paths to the enemy’s quaking id.
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