Spot The Alpha Male, Handshake Edition

From the original article on November 21, 2016. Author: Chateau Heartiste.

Via 28Sherman, a series of photos of Trump and Romney shaking hands, with their faces cropped out, and a challenge to the viewer to determine who is who by the attributes of the handshake.

I bet most CH readers will ace this Spot the Alpha test with barely a cortical strain. Pulling the hand of the other man into one’s torso is a classic alpha dominance move. (For you noodle-armed newbs, there’s a sneaky way to pull off this alpha handshake prestidigitation that doesn’t required ballsy muscular flexion; swivel the free-hand side of your torso into the person whose hand you’re shaking, which will give the visual impression that you’re pulling the person’s hand inwardly to your body.)

Verdict: Mittens is Trump’s bitch.

PS An LA Times story on the alt-right. Richard Spencer appears to have congealed as the official face of the alt-right. I have nothing against the man, so good luck to him. From what I’ve read (about himself and of his views), there isn’t much with which I’d disagree. I wouldn’t stress objectives like mandated racial segregation or mass deportations of nonWhite citizens, (that kind of stuff just serves red meat to an automatically antagonistic media), but his world view strikes me as mostly in line with a realist appraisal of the eventual fate of hyperethnic, multiracial societies.

The other criticism I’d level at him is the embrace of the ghey. Enough already with this fruitcup glorification as a perceived means of lending a revolutionary movement a sophisticate’s credibility to make it more palatable to a pozzed culture. I really don’t see NPI going anywhere if its brand is embroidered with the gay rainbow. The Trumpening is a clarion call to a resurgent masculinity, not to the poseur campulinity of roided up gays.

PPS An oldie-but-goodie: feminist women have masculinized digit ratios. Bonus LOLs: Swedish WOMEN have more masculine digit ratios than Swedish MEN. Sweden is so cucked it’s swarthy invaders. Too bad. Say goodbye to the Swedish phenotype. It’s not long for this world.

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