The Corruption Of The American Woman

From the original article on February 2, 2016. Author: Chateau Heartiste.

Through a series of photographs, you are about to witness the corruption of the American Woman unfold over the course of three years. It’s not for the faint of heart.

Photo 1: ~3 years ago. A smiling, modestly attired, feminine-looking 17 year old. On the “Marriageability:Down-To-Fuckability curve“, she would be a hot marriageable property (if she lived in a state where 17 was the age of consent).

Photo 2: five weeks after the first photo was taken. She still looks worthy of a man’s commitment and resources. But the giant sunglasses are the first hint that creeping sluttitude has infected her psyche.

Photo 3: three years later, she is now 20 years old. So much degradation in so little time. The wigger corn rows. The attention whoring, full-body, half-naked selfie (bra exposed). Fake tits, too? The navel piercing. The lacquered makeup. The ghetto nails. She is no longer marriageable, but she sure is DTFable. (wear two condoms)

Photo 4: present day, she is now almost 21 years old. Her corruption is complete. Daringly exposing her undertits for public consumption. Corn rows metastasized into permanent fixtures. Slutty makeup application (ladies pinch, whores rouge). Tattoos in erogenous zones. And the subtle tell of subconscious shame: she can’t bear to look directly in the camera. Who is taking her picture? Her black boyfriend? Is that his pit bull fighting arena in the background?

The reader who sent these photos writes,

heartbreaking decline of young white girl.

Not much to say here that hasn’t already been said. Giving young women freedom or any unsupervised time is a bad move for the woman, for her family, and for society. These before and after shots span from 17 yo to the current day where “Allison” is now 20, 21 later this year.

She was obviously beautiful, and had the potential to be everything a self respecting white man would have wanted in a wife. But after social media, college dorms, and working at twin peaks... This is what’s left of the liberated American woman: a microcosm of current white culture; take the best genes and throw them away.

I can genuinely say that I feel a sense of heartbreak for her father.

America corrupts her women, and America corrupts wherever She goes. Obesity, skankitude, deracination, mudsharkery, single mommery, faggotry, equalist dehumanization, social atomization... every corner of the globe touched by America has seen a rise in all these negative indicators of societal health.

The solution is clear: reform America, before She destroys everything in Her path.

Or destroy America, and start anew.

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