From the original article on July 30, 2014. Author: Chateau Heartiste.
The Patriarchy is dead. God save the Patriarchy!
In the archives are CH posts about feminist utopias, how they would manifest and the signs that America is becoming a version of one.
If the lesson wasn’t yet clear, matriarchies suck. Historically and present-day, matriarchies (or facsimiles thereof) are associated with poverty, disease, violence and navel-gazing decline. Where a matriarchy is evolving, a civilization is devolving.
Here’s Exhibit M as evidence that we in the US may have crossed a matriarchal Rubicon (Boobicon?):
Link: video
What used to be underground — gigolos, minus the tacit sex — has gone mainstream. A start-up is offering women their very own personal “ManServant“, or what we in the seduction domculture call “beta male orbiters”, “white knights” and “incels“.
It’s not a stripper who gets naked and rubs his greasy body all over you. It’s a ManServant: a gentleman who treats you like a queen. Book one for a bachelorette party or any gathering to be your personal photographer, bartender, bodyguard, and butler all in one.
How is a ManServant addressed?
A ManServant will answer to the name you’ve bestowed upon him, whether it’s Garçon, Bartholomew, or Ryan Gosling. [ed: John Scalzi and David Fatrelle were taken.]
What is a ManServant’s code of conduct?
A ManServant always responds with “As you wish.”
A ManServant shall address clientele with “My lady.”
A ManServant keeps his penis in his pants and out of the lady’s face.
The Rules to being a ManServant: The lady always makes The Rules.
What are some of the ManServant’s duties?
Takes photos.
Gives round-the-clock compliments.
Cleans up your hot mess.
Going to a ballgame? He’ll be your sports announcer, wait in line for the restroom, and get your hot dogs.
At the club, he’ll act as your bodyguard: secure drinks, shoo away douchebags, and drop off or pick you up curbside.
If it weren’t so ominous it’d be funny.
Naturally, women have to pay for these services, which is telling in itself. Women don’t value men for their penii or sexual prowess. What women value is what women will pay for, and that is male commitment, provisioning, and emotional support.
Just as naturally, real life ManServants get no nookie, because what comforts women in their moments of social need is not the same as what excites them in their moments of sexual need.
ManServitude is just about the end game of the feminist matriarchy. Strip men of all offensive male sexuality — essentially create a kneeling army of eunuchs — and set them loose upon the land to take photos of attention whores and cockblock men with dignity and a working pair.
How soon until ManServitude moves from plucky business venture to accepted cultural practice to legally enforced Damegeld?
Recall CH’s maxim about the true nature of feminism (and, related, the true nature of equalism):
The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality.
Welcome to AndrogyNation. Where the women are pushed to be men and the men are happy to be women.
I talk a fair bit about the decline of America, but theatrical aplomb aside I never seriously entertained the thought that the collapse of my country would happen within my lifetime. Now I’ve begun to wonder.
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