The Equalist Mantra

From the original article on February 24, 2013. Author: Chateau Heartiste.

Anyone can have sex with anyone else!
Everyone belongs to everyone else!
Anyone is as good as anyone else!
Everyone is as capable as everyone else!
Anyone is as smart as anyone else!
Everyone is as cooperative as everyone else!
Anyone is as conscientious as anyone else!
Eveyrone is as beautiful as everyone else!
Anyone is as witty as anyone else!
Every group is as worthy as every other group!
Any group is as productive as any other group!
Every group is as lawful as every other group!
Any group is as athletic as any other group!
Every group is as civilized as any other group!
Any group is as welcoming as any other group!
Every man is the equal in every way of every other man!
except for that one group of people, you know, those bigoted white men telling us otherwise.

Repeat until brainwashed.

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