From the original article on July 26, 2014. Author: Chateau Heartiste.
Excessive focus on IQ like that found in certain HBD quarters is dangerous for the reason that it will blind one to group differences in other important human characteristics.
Before hackles rise, this post is not an apologia for ignoring mean and individual IQ differences. IQ matters, arguably matters more than anything else, in big and small and strange ways. You will hardly find a soul who’d wish to possess fewer IQ points than more IQ points.
But IQ isn’t the whole story. There are, for instance, group differences in personality, temperament, proclivity to violence, trustworthiness, and what I’ll call General Interactive Behavioral Socialization (GIBS...medat).
That last mouthful is just a fancy way of describing how people socialize and behave when they aren’t constrained by etiquette or coerced by authority figures to act otherwise. A roomful of white people will organically form a particular social dynamic that is quite different than that formed by a roomful of black people, even controlling for IQ. Anyone who isn’t a lying liar and has not spent a lifetime in a cave knows this intuitively. High school cafeterias are usually the first real world laboratory where these truths about group social behavior and self-segregation become incontestably apparent. We then spend the rest of our lives trying to forget the patterns we noticed in high school.
Proof of group differences in personality and behavior can be found in science, if you’re the sort to mistrust your lying eyes. Chinese and White infants exhibit stark personality differences. In school, black students behave wildly different from white students, even within the same classroom where instruction and teacher demands are similarly accorded.
IQ fetishism can lead the sperg type to sputter futilely when confronted by a trollish leftoid provocateur who disingenuously (or racially) advocates for the importation of millions of Northeast Asians with their average 105 IQs into historically White countries with their average 100 IQs. If IQ is your be all-end all, you won’t have a defense against that line of argument. Now, if I *had* to choose at gunpoint, I’d rather America be flooded with a billion Chinese than a billion Africans, but this doesn’t mean that a billion Chinese, however efficient they are at building high-tech metropolises, won’t utterly destroy America as she used to be known and change it into something resembling China 2.
IQ similarity notwithstanding to the contrary, the Chinese people as a group are markedly different in temperament and personality than White European people as a group. If you value diversity of nations, you would be against turning America into China 2. No offense to the Chinese, but I’d rather they enjoy the full flowering of their Chinese-ness in their own country.
Given the obvious implications above, you would think that normally smart bloggers would avoid straying into territory that fetishizes IQ to the detriment of any other consideration. Commenting about enclaves for the intelligent, PA wrote,
Any solution short of dejure racial segregation will be harmful to whites. But I understand, baby steps toward dismantling the Civil Rights monstrosity we’re living under now.
A white person with 90 IQ is very different from a 90-IQ back in temperament, attitude toward sex and family, future time orientation, taste in music, and a myriad other things.
Lower-SES whites also need informal social contact with higher SES whites for aspirational reasons and guidance. Higher class whites also benefit from communal ties with blue collar whites–the malign downstream effect of the upper class white bubble is apparent in nearly every subject of discussion here.
This sensible appreciation of race differences beyond the IQ factor was met with scorn by the NYC-residing proprietor.
A 90-IQ white is a lot more like a 90-IQ black than he or she is like a 115-IQ white.
And 90-IQ whites are pretty much identical to 90-IQ Mestizo Hispanics.
A statement like this betrays a lifetime devoted to shutting oneself into a video gaming room or an exclusive summer camp. I don’t know if he’s lived in downscale white or black neighborhoods — if he claims he has and still makes statements like this perhaps he should be called “Liar of the Blogosphere” — but for those who have the thing you notice almost before you notice if it’s raining outside is how differently “prole” whites behave from ghetto or even middle class blacks. A group of 90 IQ whites won’t be scintillating company to a 115 IQ spiteful ingrate, and they’ll have some annoying habits of mind and banal cultural pleasures, but they will never be mistaken for a group of 90 IQ blacks. Not by anyone with a modicum of personal integrity. The difference in vibe and social experience, not to mention volume, will feel like a slap across the face.
IQ fetishism, in case you couldn’t previously tell, happens to be quite frequently the province of HBDers with an axe to grind against... mmm, how shall we say... heathen whites. The acidic spite and nursed lifelong hatred waft like a cloud of smog from a Shanghai knock-off factory.
SWPLs and their sympatico ethnies don’t much care for flyover whites, but if their hands were forced you can bet Fuckerberg’s bankroll that they’d choose to live in a neighborhood of predominately 90 IQ whites than in a hood of predominately 90 IQ blacks. The hatred they feel for “the wrong kind of white people” — as opposed to the indifference and pity and paternalism they feel toward their non-white pawns — is better explained by that ageless aphorism “There but for the grace of God go I”. As kissing cousins, the massed numbers of prole whites are the nearest threat to the pretentious SWPL’s cultivated sense of aristocratic superiority.
In related shivs, I wonder if LotB is aware that the cast of Jersey Shore are prepped to exaggerate their prole behavior to extremes? It’s like he actually believes reality TV is reality. Too funny!
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