The Number One Location In The World For Pickup Artists

From the original article on August 28, 2010. Author: Chateau Heartiste.

Tallinn, Estonia.

A random sampling of Tallinn chicks at a party:

Link: video

Here is an Englishman singing the praises of Tallinn women:

Link: video

And here is a stirring video of Estonians singing what I guess is a national anthem of sorts (link courtesy of reader Philip):

Link: video

Note how many natural hotties are in the crowd. Not a single fat chick in attendance. A similar audience in America would look like People of Walmart. And they would be picking their noses and belching Budweiser fumes instead of singing.

The song is pretty good, too. Makes me want to grab a banner and claymore and storm the nearest SWPL book club meeting.

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