The Thirsty Slut

From the original article on February 6, 2015. Author: Chateau Heartiste.

Conventional wisdom has it that raw sluts aren’t the prettiest girls in school. The conventional wisdom is mostly right about sluts. CH has noted (archive hunt alert) that the sluttiest sluts tend to fall within the mediocre to cute range of female looks. Most sluts are 5s, 6s, and 7s. Proportionate to their demographic ratio, there are not as many slutty 8s, 9s or 10s. Likewise, but for a different reason, neither are there many slutty sub-5s.

(I’m using the term slut in its common parlance: A promiscuous girl. This doesn’t necessarily mean she has a lot of sex partners; it could mean she’s impulsive and will sleep with a man on a whim, or jump from boyfriend to boyfriend on flimsy pretexts.)

The disproportionate representation of moderately attractive girls among sluts is a function of being just cute enough to get banged out by alpha males* but not hot enough to get commitment from them. These cute-ish girls are in the gray zone between the uglies who can’t slut it up because desirable men don’t want to fuck them, and the hotties who won’t slut it up because men are willing to give them want they want.**

*Reminder: Sluts haven’t lost their powers of female hypergamous discrimination. They may be quicker to fall into bed, but they’re still not giving beta males the time of night.

**There is a class (a minority) of hot babes — eternal ingenues — who cash in on their looks by acquiring the seed and resources of multiple lovers. Their numbers are few, but their danger to unwary men is considerable.

Some sluts are discreet about their nighttime activities, although they seem to be decreasing of late to make way for what I call the Thirsty Slut, a Declining Empire breed of bed hopper who takes strange pleasure from proclaiming her sluttitude to the world.

As commenter shartiste (nice, bro) writes,

Surely the dark Lord has seen the “I fucked Edelman” photo by now. Further photos revealed her to be a gentleman’s 7. I’d bet it follows some Heartistian law that its always the less hot girls who trumpet to high heavens when they get an alpha dick inside them while the hot ones are more discreet?

Edelman is a Patriots football player. A hot babe who was accustomed to the company of high value men wouldn’t feel a compulsion to publicly announce her role as a passive sexual conquest of a footballer. She has nothing to prove, because her beauty is all the social proof she needs.

But the marginal gentleman’s 7 feels like she has a LOT to prove. Sexy alpha males aren’t a part of her daily life like they are for hotter women. When one of those alphas gravitates into her orbit (or, more typically, she lurches into his orbit) her hindbrain neurons fire a 21 hamster salute and her vagina pops off like a bottle of champagne sitting in the sun all day.

Who knows for certain what’s going through the thirsty slut’s head? Nevertheless, we have clues based on environmental inputs.

– Our attention whore enabling society emboldens her. The “slut” sting still penetrates, but now that the internet is filled with girls hoisting their pummeled pussies aloft like trophies after a big win, the individual slut doesn’t feel so alone and ostracized. Sluttery loves company.

– She thinks (mistakenly) that demonstrating the speediness of her labial parting for sports stars will bring all the other boys to her yard. (It won’t. Preselection doesn’t work for women. It only grosses out relationship-ready men subject to her pubic displays of coition.)

– Maybe she wants to lord it over her equally mediocre female friends in one of those esoteric femme status rituals that make no sense to men. If so, the temporary ego-stroked reward she earns from envious BFFs will be more than paid for by the permanent stain on her SMV record.

– Or it could be as banal a reason as inciting a beloved ex-boyfriend to jealousy. (Note to ladies: This never works on men with options.)

Like her male equivalent — the rejected try-hard beta who loudly insists he “never wanted the bitch” — the thirsty slut is a transparent cartoon of a woman, impressing no one but the mirror and her delusions of social acceptance.

No class, battered ass, take a pass.

As shartiste (two-fer) commented at Goodbye America, the thirsty slut is a dude posting “just bought dinner for Emma Stone” and posting an $800 receipt.

Slut girl = beta guy


As any man who wasn’t a feeb male feminist or a stepnfetchit white knight would say to the oddly prideful thirsty slut, “Well, OK, that’s great. Now tell us again... what did you get out of it?”



“Sure! He’ll text me any minute.”

Not holding breath.

Why do I call the loud, proud, and indiscreet cock hound a “thirsty” slut? She is thirsty for SOCIAL STATUS. She is thirsty for VALIDATION of her worth as a woman to love. Most conspicuously, she is thirsty for LOVE itself.

This is all female nature 101, but I bring it up because the bigger picture interests me. It seems that in the past few years the frequency of thirsty sluts demeaning themselves in public for a dong hit of attention, and the bravado with which these sluts crow about the achievement of spreading their legs, have increased a hundredFOLD. Not coincidentally, the term of art “slut” has rocketed into the cultural consciousness of late.

Are there simply more sluts now as a percentage of the female population? The available evidence is inconclusive. The population share of sluts appears to be in a holding pattern.

So, again, why the sudden surge in thirsty sluts? I have a theory: It’s attention whore enabling technology plus the EFFECTIVE sex ratio influencing the dating lives of 15-30 year old women that’s provoking mass public sluttery.

Women are natural LOOKATME exhibitionists. It’s in their nature as the sex with the most to gain from displaying their bodies and faces for male judgment. So it’s no wonder high bandwidth social media provides an irresistible platform upon which women may strut and slut.

Now, combine this incredible environmental shock with another: The retreat from the sexual market by millions of men into video gaming and hardcore internet porn. This is what I mean by an effective sex ratio skew. On the one hand, you have obesities effectively shrinking the pool of attractive women available to men, and on the other you have the de facto disappearance of video gaming and wi-fi fapping men from the dating market.

These kinds of mass convulsions in the human courtship mechanism can cause untold downstream consequences that most people are either incapable of grasping or unwilling to contemplate. The inglorious rise of the Thirsty Slut can best be understood as a visceral ragepout by marginally attractive women to a painful contraction in the availability of the greater beta and alpha males with whom women most desire to form long-term relationships.

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