From the original article on October 12, 2016. Author: Chateau Heartiste.
Tim Wise proves that bullying has a place in the social order, (namely, cleansing society of degenerate filth).
If you’re not familiar with Tim Wise and his oeuvre, a primer: He’s a hateful little pansy who spews noxious anti-White vitriol on his Twatter and at colleges where he’s paid by leftoid faculty to give speeches to a handful of sympatico human dregs. Oh, and his last place of residence was in a neighborhood that is 97% White. (He claims he has since moved to a more diverse neighborhood, but mysteriously no record of his new address exists.)
Now that you know about Tim Wise and his contributions to humanity, enjoy this meltdown he experienced after he was bullied to tears on Twatter by Shitgoyim. (via)
“steroids and 4chan” Yeah, not getting the insult. A swoke bullycider is better than being a flabby leprechaun with a face made for taking spermloads from his wife’s bull.
“dude bros” Do these goony nancyboys all write from the same Spunk & Anti-White stylebook? John Scalzied loves that term as well. He ejaculates it every time a shitlord points out his effeminacy.
One thing you never miss in an anti-White’s rantings is the psychological projection. “Sociopath” describes Timmy Wise pretty well; he makes his money preaching the evils of Whiteness while he makes damn sure he’s surrounded by Whiteness in his daily life.
Then there’s the cowardly skirt-clutching appeals to the AUTHORITAAAAAAHS to “take down” his Twatter tormentors. He has all your IPs! And connections!
But you meet this shitstain IRL and I bet he runs like the yellow-bellied cur he is.
Related: Video of the German Parliament voting down a proposal to “ensure the continuation of the German people”.
Doubleplusrelated: Video from Germany of the aftermath of a mass brawl involving syrian refugees that coated an apartment hallway in blood.
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