Why Ask Why? Shun The Stale Seven Questions

From the original article on January 23, 2013. Author: Chateau Heartiste.

Here’s a little trick for beginners to improve their rapport skills with women: don’t ask them questions. Specifically, don’t ask them the following anticipated questions:

What’s your name?
What do you do?
Where do you live?
Where are you from?
What school did you go to?
Where do you work?
How do you like it here?

When you meet a girl, and she’s a tight-lipped sort who won’t volunteer much to help a conversation gain traction, you will feel a powerful compulsion to ask these kinds of filler questions. When you feel that urge, STOP yourself mentally, keep your trap shut, and spend a second or two thinking up some other kind of question to ask her, if you must ask something. It doesn’t matter what question you substitute in the place of the Stale Seven above, as long as it is different and, therefore, unexpected. You could ask “How would you calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle if your life depended on it?” and you would get better reactions from girls than asking some boring question she’s heard a thousand times this week (if she’s cute).

If it helps your willpower, imagine the claw grip of CH wielding a blackboard pointer and rapping it briskly against your knuckles when you think impure thoughts about the Stale Seven. Such a visualization will coax an idle grin from you, which will in turn arouse the curiosity of your mark. And once a girl is curious about you, her labia begin to flower like a Desert Lily after an August deluge.

Willing yourself to shun the Stale Seven is more than a game tactic to attract women; it’s on-the-go practice for becoming a better conversationalist, a skill that can apply to any situation involving a second human being. When you force a pattern interrupt on yourself, you sharpen your focus and hone your mind to think differently. To think more seductively. Many men complain they can never “think of anything to say” to women, but a big reason for their comatose tongues rests in the fact that their minds still operate under the guidelines of old, intransigent ways. They haven’t yet actively pushed their brains out of the comfort zone. Other people can push you out of your comfort zone, but so can you alone, through deliberate concentration on sidestepping lazy traps your mind lays for you. That first time you catch yourself midway through the word “Where...” on the way to completing the “Where are you from?” banality, you will feel something akin to a happy mental rush. “Yes!” you will mentally intone, “I stopped myself from muttering a beta male triviality! This means I have the power to mold myself into a more interesting man.”

A little victory, to be sure, but those little victories add up, until one day you’re twirling a girl round and round the dance floor of your mind.

Now that we know how to be less predictable around women, we can move on to step two: being more of a challenge. This step typically encompasses a lot of material, so for now we’ll discuss one particular method that will instantly imbue you with the churlish aura of alphatude that women crave as much as you crave a firm ass and supple breasts.

Ask, “Why?”. Why ask why? Reader dannyfrom504 explains:

Girls don’t need to be interesting. Most guys will validate them based on looks alone.

You want to mess up a cute girls head, ask her WHY when she states an opinion. Most dudes just go along with her to try to build [sic] repoir. Be different and ask her to justify her opinion.

You’ll stand out and bring major tingles.

You ask why because it is the one category of question that most men don’t ask of women. When was the last time you heard a beta male asking a girl why she thought this way, or why she thinks that way, or why she likes to be a heartbreaker, or why she she can’t sit still, or why she has to be the center of attention? When was the last time you *didn’t* see a beta male dutifully nodding his head like a hired lackey to every inanity spilled from a pretty girl’s mouth?

< kenyan > Now let me be clear. < /kenyan > You ask why not out of spite, or disapproval. You ask it sincerely, because it’s delightfully shocking to women to hear it, and it’s a challenge most women can’t resist. You ask because you want to know. Or, more likely, you don’t really want to know, but you fake interest till you make interest. Asking “why?” will immediately and in no uncertain terms set you apart from the horde of indistinguishable men an attractive woman interacts with every day. It’s bold, it’s ballsy, and it’s exciting to women. And excitement = sexytime.

Furthermore, “why?” is a great short-cut for getting women to open up and reveal a bit about themselves. This is known in pick-up parlance as “value eliciting”. Once you key in on a woman’s values, you can feed them back to her as if they were also your own, and construct a feeling of connection that is so important to women as a prelude to any sexual relinquishment.

Some of you dreadfully fearful minimen will ask “What if she replies ‘Why do you care?’“. First, you would be lucky to cross paths with more than 1 out of 50 women who would answer in that bitchy manner. But, for the sake of argument, here’s what you say if that does happen to you: “Charming.” Brevity cues the glow of clits.

You need to know two things about female psychology before you know anything else. Women HATE HATE HATE boring men. And women REALLY HATE HATE HATE supplicating yes-men.

Women are attracted — yes, primally, sexually attracted — to interesting men, and to challenging men.

Don’t be boring. Don’t be a suck-up. If you accomplish those two miracles and wonders, you are halfway to sleeping with the kinds of women you’ve always dreamed of defiling. If you have questioned your ability to borrow and then alchemize the alpha attitude for yourself, know that avoiding classic (and easily avoidable) beta male manbooby traps like asking boring, autonomically retrievable questions, and nodding like a puppet to every throwaway musing a woman utters, is 9/10ths of the effort needed to shed your crusty, beta chrysalis.

So keep those toes a-tapping, gentlemen, because you are not like the rest.

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