From the original article on January 27, 2016. Author: Chateau Heartiste.
Cuckservatives adore the idea of assimilation like they do heterosexual sex; from a distance, as an abstract concept. When things between tribes aren’t going well, the cuck pipes up to assert all that’s needed is more encouragement to immigrants to “assimilate” to the American Way of Life. The cuck imagines assimilation as some magical process or cosmic intervention that appears after the requisite number of incantations calling for it by name are scattered throughout op-eds and on TV talk shows.
Now shitlibs are getting in on the assimilation racket (they used to be against it, arguing that America isn’t a melting pot, it’s a salad bowl, but recent trends have them worried the salad bowl is turning into a toxic stew so they’re backtracking to good ol’ assimilation to save their White dispossession project). You’ll hear increasingly frantic calls for Assimilation as Diversity spreads like a black goo over the nation, snuffing out the last strands of societal trust and bonhomie.
Too late. Current events are throwing into stark relief the reality that Assimilationism is a failed ideology, and its failures will become more apparent as there is a rise in the numbers of disparate peoples the ideology must accommodate and manage to meld into a workable social contract.
From Alec Leamas,
It’s not hard to see how a flood of young male and Muslim reinforcements from the Near East and Africa is going to embolden the extant second generation Muslims who may have been born in Europe but who will never be Europeans. The Rapefugees’ behavior is a given; the resident Muslims will be more free to act on their existing fantasies of power and conquest.
This is an insightful point. A tribe’s essence may sleep, but it never dies. It may lie dormant, but it will never go extinct. As new immigrants gain numerical power and ruling class protection in their host nations, the tribal instinct within their second and third generation cousins already in the country is released from its artificial suppression. The few secular liberal minority tokens that equalist leftoids, in a pique of supreme naivete, assume are representative of all of the minority tribe’s people, will recede to nothingness as their half-hearted voices are drowned out by the ululations of their extended family. To put it more bluntly, that smiling taxi driver praising America will revert with a quickness to the mores and standards of his race as soon as there are enough of his kind in close proximity to safely let his assimilationist mask slip.
Assimilationism doesn’t take long to reach diminishing returns, and even to expose the absorbing culture to deleterious regression to the behavioral norms of the immigrants. The more immigrants, and the more different the immigrants, the less likely assimilation is to work, and the more likely assimilationist rhetoric will ramp up to conceal its ineffectiveness.
Assimilation to the host nation’s way of life can work, but only under very strict preconditions:
Western nations are currently failing on all three assimilation preconditions: Post-1965 immigrants are almost entirely nonWhite, the numbers of them are astronomical, and the host nations have lost faith in themselves while they bend over backwards to assist immigrants in retaining and celebrating the cultures of the homelands they abandoned for Western prosperity.
Even when assimilation “works” — e.g., when Anglo-Germanic America absorbed millions of Southern and Eastern Europeans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries — there are immense costs and miseries that must be overcome along the way. And those costs are never completely paid off. Irish-Americans to this day still vote more Leftist than a typical Olde Anglo-Germanic American of yore would have been comfortable voting. And Italian-American communities have more corruption than adjacent Anglo communities. And don’t get me started on the Eskimos...
But the Irish, the Italians, the Poles, et al are White ethnics, meaning that they aren’t so genetically and culturally dissimilar from Anglo-Germanic Whites that their assimilation into the American fabric was ordained to fail absent the heavy hand of a police and surveillance state to keep everyone in line. Plus, their immigration was halted in the 1924 Act to preserve the Anglo White character of America. Intermarriage with other Whites further helped their assimilation, and this White ethnic intermarriage also contributed to the unique characteristics of Americans relative to their Old Country European cousins. This was a history of ethnicity-mixing among already high-achieving peoples (compared to world standards) that buttressed America’s strength.
So past immigrant waves to the US satisfied, more or less, assimilation preconditions #1 and #2, and from all accounts #3 was also operative up until oh, 1970 or so. The assimilation calculation has changed a lot since then, (but don’t tell the Ellis Island schmaltz shoppers that). Now the US’s immigrants couldn’t be more genetically/culturally different from the Anglo-Germanic substrate, couldn’t be more numerically unmanageable, and couldn’t be more free to avoid assimilation to a native stock American norm in favor of a globalist multikult credo. This is a recipe for the complete annihilation of the historical American culture (and subcultures).
I should mention there’s one other way assimilation can work when the above three preconditions aren’t met: Assimilation to a new norm via race mixing. This is the goal of the globo-homo elite. They want historic America to die in a hodge-podge of race-mixed mediocrities and consumers of perishable goods, who will then assimilate to a new, recombined America that is changed for eternity right down to its DNA.
For the record, the Chateau’s immigration policy proposals (restated here from previous posts) is:
Reading this, I’m sure a shitlib’s head is about to go Scanners, but perspective is a beautiful virtue. A mere sixty years ago, this immigration policy list would have been considered eminently sensible and uncontroversial by the vast majority of Americans. Here’s to hoping Trump Makes America Sensible Again.
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